Friday, September 26, 2008

Collin Andrew Pittman

Collin Andrew Pittman

was born March 12, 1988. Collin is the athlete in the family. He was born to have a ball in his hand. I think ball was probably his first word. Basketball, baseball but mostly----FOOTBALL. When he was little I did not want him to play because I was afraid he would get hurt. He said--No Mommy I will not ever play football (Age 3 probably). Soooooo first grade rolls around and he came home crying because there was a football team and he was not on it. So-----from 2nd grade on----FOOTBALL. What a great 10 years that was. We are so fortunate to have his football career on tape. From his first touchdown in 3rd grade to the sweat flinging off of his face from being hit in high school. Excitement, worry, fear, happiness, sadness, crying, screaming, laughing, cheering. We have had all the emotions. I would not trade a moment of them. He was good---real good. He runs a 4.5. He is fast. He was the running back of our 4A school. He was on the cover of the sports page 5 times his senior year and on the TV highlights 5 times. We miss football. But we are so so thankful that in ten years of playing (he took 5th grade off for those of you adding up 2nd grade on) he never was hurt. Sure--he turned an ankle, broke a finger or two--but nothing serious. Praise God.

But far beyond us being proud of Collin for sports---Collin is a Christian. A very faithful, strong Christian. He is a song leader at church. He smiles through every song. He loves God. We thank God for our son, Collin.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What great memories...and what a "big" boy Collin was, too! Brenna was always a sweet big sister...still is! I am ready to come to FV and hear him lead singing, too!

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