Monday, July 28, 2008

So I thought I was going to jog and get healthy

Oh--why could I not just leave well enough alone? So I could not go up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing. So---I have a lot of stress and anxiety attacks and getting in shape might help. I never expected trying to get in shape to lead to this.
(this looks good today
And this:
(this is actually today)
And this:
(this was the morning it happened (7:30 a.m.)
This was at 11:00 a.m.-----


So---Do I try jogging again???? Or give up??? Do I get back up on that horse and let it kick me off again??? :) Ok--when you get bucked off--you are supposed to get right back up on the horse. So--as soon as my tooth is healed (cause I still can't bite down on anything) I will try it again.



Aubrey said...

How awful! I'm so sorry that happened!! I hope you get healed up quickly!!

carrhop said...

Ooohhh Nooooo! I am so sorry! Oh wow! Okay, I'm still mentally processes all your images--yikes, yikes and yikes...
Hope you are healing up quickly!

carrhop said...

Wanted to see how the healing up process is going--


carrhop said...

Glad you are healing up!!!!

Thanks for the comments on my pics with my son and 6 of 8--yes, I',m the photog--the ones with my son were taken on my 40th--I set up the equipment and then had my oldest daughter get shots of me with 6 of the kids--I had realized that I basically only have shots of myself with the kids when I'm 1. in labor, 2. immediately post labor and 3. random, horrifying shots of me nursing 2 days postpartum...yea...

Have a great day! No jogging, okay?


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