We found out that there were a few companies in line for our Abilene property if ours fell through!! One was Wendy's!!! So we are feeling better and better about where we are and our upcoming adventure. There is a young man here, who has worked at this Taco Casa for three years. He played football with Collin in high school. He is going to the community college in Abilene and will work for us while he is there!!! We are excited and so is he. It will be great to have some hands that know exactly what to do--second nature. So--we now have a manager-John, a probable assistant manager--a friend of John's who was a manager at a chicken place and is still in the restaurant business and a possible shift manager in Quincy. NOW we just need to get this baby built!!!! We are so so ready!!! I am ready to quit transcription and on to making Tacos!! :)
Collin registers for Midwestern tomorrow (Thursday). He is considering walking on the football team at Midwestern. Pray for him and us!!! I told him---if he is thinking about it at all--do it because he does not need to look back and think--why did I not try??? He said it would be during the first game when he saw the receivers and think---WHY did I not get out there??? (They are lacking in receivers). The funny thing is---Midwestern plays ACU and ACU tried to get Collin to play there. We will see what happens. Just thinking about it gives me the knot I had in high school in my stomach. But that is the way I lost weight!! :) I just want him safe and happy.
Bren and John have ONE more Saturday of Foster classes and then it could be ANY TIME!!! Wow---I can't wait. Ok---I now will unveil our names. We are going to be Nonnie (Yay April) and Poppy. Cute, huh?? I was going to be Gigi but sounds too much like a name. I just always wanted to be that because when I sang the national anthem for the Wichita FAlls Texans for five years they did a write up on me in the paper and called me "GIGI" Pittman. I got calls all day people teasing me and calling me Gigi. So that was my reasoning but I like Nonnie better now. And besides John's mom is Gigi and it is less confusing for the kids if there is only one. So Nonnie--it is!! And Poppy---doesn't Dik look like a Poppy??? ha. Ohhhhh the wonderful changes in life.
Thanks for keeping up with....The Days of My Life.
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About the Scrapblog question--you can print your pages--once you publish, go to 'File'. There you will see a command to 'export as jpeg'. Click that and a download screen with your pages will appear. Click on the page you would like to export, click on 'open with browser' on the next pop-up and presto! Your image will be opened on your computer by whatever photo suite you use. You then save it to your computer and can print to your heart's content! Hope this helps...
So inspirational to see a family making it through to the 'chicks leaving the nest stage' still intact and enjoying one another!
I went to college in Abilene a million years ago--so fun that you have property there!
Yes, I also went there, graduating in '89. Congrats to your daughter and it sounds fun to have your son back at the house!
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