Monday, June 30, 2008

And now we begin......

Well--today we did it. We signed the papers on the Walmart property, so we can now begin building our Taco Casa. We are so excited. We have our contractor picked out and we will be signing contracts with him next. We are so blessed. God has been so good. It feels like we have been at this for a year already and it is getting close to that from our first "thinking" about it all. I know the doors will be opening sooner than we think and our lives will be changed forever-- beans up to our elbows and cheese in our hair. :) I will be trying to keep you updated!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Belle just cannot stand it if Cissy is gone. Dik had Cissy out front and Belle just cried. It is so so cute. Of course, I had to video three and four times her howling. What a pretty voice Belle has!!! :)

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